Posts tagged field trip
Second Graders "Time Travel" to Explore Immigration During the Turn of the Century!

What was it like for immigrants coming to America at the turn of the century? What happened at Ellis Island? How did new immigrants live in our city in the late 1800s? Our second graders have been exploring these questions and more during their Immigration at the Turn of the Century unit. To further their study, they traveled to the Tenement Museum on the Lower East Side and “time-traveled” during a dramatic role-playing exercise at school! 

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Speyer @ The Museum: Sixth and Eighth Graders Head to The Met and The Whitney

If you build it, they will come. One could say the amazing museums of NYC are fields of dreams, dreams full of creativity, art and inspiration. Yes, our sixth and eighth graders ventured off the Boulevard to explore two of those artistic fields of dreams – the Met and the Whitney – to bring a different perspective to what they are studying in the classroom. 

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Fifth Grade Heads to Alley Pond Park!

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. — Langston Hughes

Speyer’s fifth graders took Langston Hughes’ words to heart when they spent the day at Alley Pond Park. As part of their first days as Middle Schoolers, the fifth grade trekked to the park, which is home to New York City's first public high ropes adventure course (the largest in the Northeast), to have a fun-filled bonding day despite the weather!

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