Speyer Fifth Graders Share Their Passions with TED-Ed -- and Everyone!
Spotted on the Boulevard: Speyer fifth graders sharing their passions with the world as they filmed their Ted-Ed talks!
As part of their Science class, our 5th Graders have been participating in a TED Talk Education program. In this program, they learned about collaborating, giving and receiving feedback, scientific research and citations, presentation skills, editing, fact checking, and producing an event.
Of course, our fifth graders were amazing. Despite the COVID protocols, they made their voices heard in every way. Some of the topics they tackled: promoting quality education, LGBTQ+ acceptance, the climate crisis, sustainable energy, the water crisis, and more. They shared why they were so excited for this opportunity. As one speaker noted, "We learn of challenges and try to solve them." This was followed by a challenge put to the audience: "Who will you be? Will you watch or will you help?"
The fifth graders' truly impressive talks were underscored by the hard work, dedication, and collaboration by all of the presentation teams.
From TED-Ed talks to chess tournaments to debate competitions, our students use the skills and knowledge they explore in the classroom and extend it well beyond 925 Ninth Avenue with amazing courage, passion, and commitment. As we've said over and over again, it isn't what our students learn during their time at Speyer, it is what they do with what they learn.
You can see some of their amazing talks on the TED-Ed YouTube page by clicking on the links below. Feel free to like and comment!
JULIAN SLAIM - Electricity, The Power To Make Change
Solving The World’s Problems With Science | Gabriel Oscher | Speyer Legacy School
The Anthropogenic Climate Change | Tanner Klipstein | Speyer Legacy School
How We Can Help Endangered Species | Reese Romolo | Speyer Legacy School
How Not To Talk To Kids About Climate Change | Una Joy Hornick | Speyer Legacy School
Quality Education | Nathaniel Blackman | Speyer Legacy School
LGBTQ Pride | Piper Jacoby | Speyer Legacy School
Quality Education | Eli Breydo | Speyer Legacy School
The Environmental Crisis | Sidney Leon Helder-Lindt | Speyer Legacy School
Saving and Helping all Animals | Andrea Cervanets-Flores | Speyer Legacy School
Endangered Life On Land | Kulyan Brar | Speyer Legacy School