Posts in Writing
Speyer Fifth Graders' One-on-One With Award-Winning Author Veera Hiranandani

Spotted on Zoom: That's best-selling author Veera Hiranandani visiting with Speyer fifth graders to talk about the summer book they read: The Night Diary. The Night Diary received many awards including the 2019 Newbery Honor Award, the 2019 Walter Dean Myers Honor Award, and the 2018 Malka Penn Award for Human Rights in Children's Literature.

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Speyer 8th Graders Hold (the First-Ever) Zoom Poetry Recitals During COVID-19 Social Distancing

Words are powerful tools, but right now, they’ve been more difficult to utilize. Sometimes we just don’t have the words to convey what we are feeling, how we are doing, or just the world at this moment. However, something pretty amazing happened (virtually) at Speyer on Friday that gave us a restored hope in finding words to help us cope with what was happening. Speyer’s eighth graders held (perhaps the first-ever) 8th Grade Zoom Poetry Recitals During COVID-19 Social Distancing. They were the culmination of their Distance Learning poetry unit, during which they tackled three key questions: Is it a poem? Why did she write it? and, Is it any good?.

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Second and Third Graders Have an Event-Full December!

The end of December was event-full – full of culminating events! Both our second and third graders presented their work to family and friends, with each event encompassing months of cross-curricular work and interdisciplinary units of study. We have a full round-up of the second grade’s Literary Lalapalooza and the third grade’s “From Colonies to Country” events!  

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Speyer Third Graders Place Third in the Nation in the 2018-19 WordMasters Challenge™!

"The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do." Thomas Jefferson. Knowing the power of words is one of the many skills Speyer students learn…you could even call them WordMasters. That nickname would be quite appropriate, as Speyer students placed FIRST in the nation in the latest WordMasters Challenge and THIRD nationally in the culmulative year-long competition!  

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Call them Ishmael: Sixth Graders Trek to Cape Cod on A Cross-Curricular Whaling Adventure

Just call them Ishmael! Our sixth graders had an amazing experience as they embarked on their three-day trek to Cape Cod! It was a fabulous adventure to explore whaling — the unit of study they have been exploring in Humanities and Science — in a hands-on, tangible way.  

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