Speyer Eighth Graders Bring Home a Record Number of Scholastic Art and Writing Awards!
Some of Speyer’s Scholastic Art and Writing Awards winners!
The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards just came out and Speyer had 11 individuals win 25 awards. We have never had so many winners! It should be noted that while our students compete in the 13-18 age group, they are going up against thousands of high schoolers from around the region and the judging is anonymous. There is no name, grade, or school attached to the entry, so our students are winning on merit. It is extremely impressive that Speyer eighth graders do so well in this esteemed competition.
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards were founded in 1923 and, for nearly a century, have inspired bold ideas in creative teens throughout the country. These awards are presented by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to identify students with exceptional artistic and literary talent and present their remarkable work to the world.
We also want to give a huge thanks to the faculty that have supported our students in this competition, especially Paul Deards, as many of the works submitted by our students were developed in his classes, and Matt Thoren, who works with the students during their eighth grade year and organizes them and their submissions. And finally, one more big high-five to Head of Middle School Michelle Cristella aka the biggest cheerleader of our writers and artists as they compete for these awards!
Here is the breakdown of Speyer's winners:
Alexander B.
Red Rocks Amphitheatre (photo) Gold Key
Studio Tree (architecture and industrial design) Silver Key
Was The Civil War Inevitable (critical essay) Honorable Mention
Raya B.
How the US Constitution Supported Slavery (critical essay) Silver Key
Ripley G.
The Absolutely True Diary of a Kid Who Was Scared Out of His Mind (personal essay) Honorable Mention
Veronique J.
Amelia Earhart: Breaking Boundaries (critical essay) Silver
The World I Come From (personal essay) Honorable Mention
Sophia K.
Growing Up (flash fiction) Honorable Mention
The Constitution and Slavery (critical essay) Honorable Mention
William L.
How It Feels To Be Me (personal essay) Honorable Mention
Johji N.
The Maze (flash fiction) Honorable Mention
Sylvie O.
How It Feels to Have Grown Up in Brooklyn (personal essay) Honorable Mention
Stonewall: A Riot that Sparked a Revolution (critical essay) Silver
The Bread and Puppet Theater - Art and Politics of Hope (critical essay) Gold
Amayha R.
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Dominican (personal essay) Silver
Felix S.
Bison on the Frozen Plains (photo) Honorable Mention
Decline (photo) Silver
Downpour/Long Exposure (photo) Honorable Mention
Fractal (Architecture and Industrial Design) Silver
Rising Tides (Photo) Gold
Iron Works (photo) Silver
Skyline Contrasts (photo) Silver
The Open Sky: National Parks Poster (design) Silver
The Rise of the Central Park Tower and the Hubris of NYC's Skyscraper Boom (journalism) Gold
Ruoyu X.
The Absolutely True Diary of the World's Worst Procrastinator (personal) Silver