Spotted in Middle School: The Third Annual Academic Bootcamp! Hoo-hah!!

Speyer’s Middle School took a break from its usual Friday schedule and held the Third Annual Academic Bootcamp. The day-long “bootcamp” allowed our Middle Schoolers to become oriented with the various technology tools they will use over the course of the year, discuss key executive functioning skills, and foster a sense of community.

Students rotated through different workshops, led by our Middle School faculty, exploring Schoology, Google Drive, email communications, note-taking skills, tips on using their planners, and more. Depending on which workshop you entered, one might see students sharing tips on how they organize their Google folders. In another workshop, one might hear students exchanging time management skills for a week at Speyer based upon a given scenario. 

In the afternoon, the entire Middle School gathered on the Boulevard to listen about what it means to be part of a community and the expectations of behavior and academic integrity, as well as to go over reminders about the use of devices and Locker Fun 101.  The day wrapped up with conversations in advisory for our seventh and eighth graders, while our fifth and sixth graders completed some team-building exercises in the gym! 

The Third Annual Academic Bootcamp was exciting and informative – and, judging by the enthusiastic smiles at the end of the day, a huge success! Huzzah!