Lower School Finds Out The Beauty of "Ish" ness!

In the first Lower School Assembly of the school year, the Lower School Team brought to life the book ish by Peter H. Reynolds. The book follows a little boy Ramon as he rekindles and rediscovers his love of drawing…even though his pictures aren’t perfect. Exploring the book’s themes of believing in yourself and remembering the beauty of the non-perfect “–ish” ness of learning was the best way to wrap up our first full week of school!

Our fearless Lower School teachers re-enacted the book, acting as both the characters from the book and Ramon’s drawings. From Kindergarten teacher Ms. Dwyer as Ramon to the Science Team as fish-ish drawings to the Third Grade Team as boat-ish pictures, all of the Lower School teachers came to the stage, modeling risk-taking, showing courage by sharing their own “–ish” drawings, and having fun, which signaled to Speyer students that we are all in this together.

In order to help remind students of this powerful message throughout the school year, the quote “Believe in yourself! Remember to look for the beauty & joy in -ish!” will hang on the bulletin board outside of Ms. Behradnia’s office. This will serve as a daily reminder for everyone who passes by to focus on the learning process and to welcome mistakes and see them as opportunities for learning and growth…and to remember the beauty of “ish” in all that we do and create!