The Results Are In: Here's Your 2018-2019 Speyer Student Council!

Spotted on the Bouelvard: campaign posters! Yes, it was Student Council election time here at Speyer…and with all of the details, we have guest View writer Mr. Glasser:

If the best way to learn is by doing, then there is no better way of learning about the art and science of government than stepping into the political arena yourself. Over the past few weeks, many Speyer students have done just that by throwing their hat in the ring and running for Student Council Representative! 

The Speyer Student Council was started three years ago when students held a constitutional convention to set down the groundwork for their own parliamentary system of government. Since then, the Council has raised money for charity and student events, hosted fun activities like Middle School Movie Night, and served as the overall voice of the student body. 

Each Middle School student had the chance to make a campaign poster and deliver a speech to their grade explaining why they should be elected to the council. After a week of campaigning, students held a vote using a ranked choice, single transferable vote ballot (they got to list first, second, third, etc. choice). 

When all was said and done, Nathan G., Emme B., Sana M., Thomas B., Raya B., Dev A., Elizabeth N., Ben L., Janani B., Tessa C., Alex V., and Maddie L. were elected to represent their respective grades. The representatives then elected from among their ranks in parliamentary fashion: Thomas to the position of Speaker, Elizabeth to the position of Treasurer, and Sana to the position of Secretary. 

The Student Council is looking forward to another year of innovative projects and building community here at Speyer