Speyer Math-letes Storm MATHCOUNTS Manhattan! Next stop: States!

Did you know Dragons are excellent at math – at least Speyer Dragon Math-letes are! Case in point: the recent victories at MATHCOUNTS Manhattan! Speyer’s Math Team competed against a huge field of 47 public and independent schools. 46 of those sent school teams – all vying for one of the coveted five places to advance to the State Competition at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in March. 

The results: Speyer won one of those berths, finishing third overall and first among all independent schools! Our school ranking was determined by our Team of Four: Rohan S., Charlie H., Jake R., and Mica H-L. (captain). We also had five students competing as individuals: Deni A. (first alternate to the team of four), Medha P., Finnegan S., Agastya B., and Ruoyu X. 

In all, 331 students competed. The 16 top finishers at the meet were selected for the ceremonial Countdown Round, a sort of game show that culminates the event. In front of an audience of hundreds, Rohan S. (who came in second in the city individually), Charlie (fifth), and Jake (ninth) took part in a single-elimination tournament. All three Speyer math-letes made it to round 2! Charlie made the semifinals, and Jake finished second in the city!

Next up: Speyer's team of four and first alternate will compete in the State Competition on March 7. Stay tuned! GO DRAGONS!