Tic–Tac–Toe, Three Wins in a Row! Dragon Debate Team Sets A New School Record!
That’s right…three straight wins for the Dragon Debaters! Going head to head or should we says argument to argument with all of the top schools from New York and New Jersey, Speyer’s debate team trekked uptown to Hamilton Grange school and, once again, everyone knew Speyer was not going to give away their shot to take the top prizes. Here with the round-up is Debate Coach Mr. Glasser!
The Argumentative Dragons of Speyer headed uptown to the Hamilton Grange school this past weekend to compete in the New York City Urban Debate League Parliamentary Debate Tournament. Schools from all over New York and New Jersey came to debate issues ranging from "This House Would Implement Open Boarders" to "This House Would Ban Animal Testing". The tournament welcomed mainstay programs from Hunter, Berkeley Carroll, Salk, and Anderson, as well as a number of newcomers including the UDL's own all-school debate club!
At the end of the day, Speyer seventh grade trio Alex V, Brynn M, and Caitlin M. went undefeated and were declared tournament champions! This makes Alex, Brynn, and Cailtin's third consecutive first place finish - a Speyer record! Each team member also placed in the individual speaker category, as did fellow seventh grade debater Sana M..
With just one more event left until the City Championships, the Argumentative Dragons still have plenty left to say!