It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...Dragon Debate Success (Again)!

It's the holiday season! It's a time for gathering with friends and family, time for talking and conversation...and perhaps time for some minor debates across the dinner table. Alas, your family debate team may not be quite as successful as Speyer's Dragon Debaters! You might be asking, just how successful are they? Keep reading for another debate-tastic recap from Debate Coach Mr. Glasser:

Debate stayed home for the holidays, participating in our most recent tournament at the nearby West End Secondary School right here in Midtown. Students debated the local issue of "NYC Should Ban Single Use Plastic Bags." They gave their two cents on the issue of whether we should "Abolish the Penny." Every student was asked to debate both sides of the topic "The United States Should Require One Year of National Service." And last but not least, we discussed if Jeff Bezos should be allowed to rule the world with an iron fist and an Amazon smile with the topic "Amazon is Good for Society."

We had nine teams participate and, from novice fifth graders to our returning eighth graders, fun was had by all!

Speyer ranked as the first place overall school in the competition, outpacing our friends at Nightingale-Bamford, The Hackley School, Anderson, West End, and more.

Special shout-outs are due for all of our fifth grade debaters, who managed to persuade judges even in the face of the ever-so-much-taller eighth grade competition, and an extra special high-five to Grace K., who ranked as Speyer's top individual speaker!

Debate, EventsSpeyer School