Who would YOU pick? Kindergarteners Celebrate Their Agents of Change!

Before heading off to Spring Break, the entire Kindergarten welcomed one and all to their Agents of Change Library, transforming the area outside of their classrooms into an interactive and informative collection about their Agents of Change. 

Wrapping up this unit of study, where Kindergarteners studied how people can make an impact in not just the world, but also in their own local, communities, each student became an expert on a specific Agent of Change he or she chose! They led parents, students, and other faculty through the library of diverse, inspiring people from both the past and present. 

Who did they pick? Think Thomas Edison, Mae Jemison, Louis Armstrong, the Wright Brothers, Jackie Robinson, Jane Goodall, Rachel Carson, Jacques Cousteau…and the list goes on and on! The Kindergarteners wowed their guests with their knowledge of this eclectic group of amazing people. Needless to say, it was incredible to watch the Kindergarteners be the change in action!