Lower School Kicks Off A Daily Gratitude Challenge!

Did you know that research shows there is a 92% increase in happiness when you practice gratitude each day? This cool fact was discussed at the recent Lower School Assembly, when all of our lower school students gathered to chat about the theme of this season – gratitude – and how to maintain that focus all year long!

In the Dining Hall, everyone listened as Head of Lower School Ms. Behradnia read We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga by Traci Sorell, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Otsaliheliga (pronounced oh-jah-LEE-hay-lee-gah) or “we are grateful” is a word that Cherokee people use to express gratitude. 

At the end of the read-aloud, the group took a moment of reflection. Ms. Behradnia asked everyone to bring to mind a person or thing that they are grateful for, and encouraged the students to practice gratitude daily  - all year long! - beyond the season of Thanksgiving. 

She challenged Lower School students to join her with a daily practice of gratitude, to pause for 15-30 seconds each day, and shared the science on just how beneficial being grateful is: there is a 92% increase in happiness when you practice gratitude each day! She suggested tips such as having a gratitude partner (whom you share what you are grateful for) or keeping a gratitude journal. These little hints can help anyone develop the habit of being grateful until it becomes a natural part of a daily routine! 

In the words of Rumi: “Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.”